Empowering Innovation: Unleashing the Potential of Citizen Development

ITAsoft Indonesia
3 min readAug 24, 2023

How well is your organization in dealing with intense industry competition and environmental changes? To be more purposeful, the ability to predict and prepare isn’t just feasible — it’s good for business.

Citizen developers empowering employees to develop their own solutions and automate tasks using low-code or no-code platforms
Citizen Development

Businesses today face numerous challenges, such as strict regulations, intense industry competition, and environmental changes. To tackle this problem, the idea of “citizen developers” is introduced, empowering employees to develop their own solutions without relying on IT professionals. This does not diminish the importance of IT, but instead strengthens it.

Citizen developers are individuals who are not professional software developers but have the ability to create applications and automate tasks using low-code or no-code platforms.

In the movie The Lego Movie, Emmet Brickowski, an ordinary LEGO minifigure who discovers his potential as a Master Builder. Emmet represents the citizen developer — a seemingly ordinary individual who equipped with the right tools and mindset, becomes capable of extraordinary things. Like citizen developers, Emmet unlocks his creativity, challenges the status quo, and contributes to a collective vision through his building prowess.

Citizen development is revolutionizing the way organizations approach software development, empowering non-technical users to create applications and address specific business needs. By leveraging low-code or no-code platforms, citizen development enables employees to actively participate in the development process, and organizations can facilitate faster collaboration, optimize processes, and solve problems more effectively.

The Rise of Citizen Development

Citizen development has gained significant traction in recent years, driven by its potential to transform the way organizations develop and deploy software solutions. According to research from Gartner,

By 2023, over 50% of medium to large enterprises will have adopted citizen development as part of their digital transformation strategies.

Empowering Business Users

Generally, software development was limited to IT departments, creating bottlenecks and delays in addressing business requirements. Citizen development breaks down these barriers by empowering business users to take an active role in application development.

Accelerating Innovation

Citizen development fosters a culture of innovation by democratizing the development process. Employees on the front lines often have valuable insights into operational challenges and customer needs.

Increased Agility and Time-to-Market

The use of low-code or no-code platforms empowers citizen developers to rapidly prototype and iterate on their applications. Research by OutSystems reveals that organizations leveraging citizen development experience an average of 65% faster time-to-market for applications. This accelerated pace allows businesses to respond swiftly to changing market dynamics and seize new opportunities.

Enhancing Employee Engagement

Citizen development can significantly impact employee engagement and job satisfaction. When employees are given the opportunity to contribute directly to the development of solutions that address their day-to-day challenges, they feel a sense of ownership and empowerment. According to a study by Salesforce, 86% of employees feel that having the ability to shape their own tools and processes positively impacts their work experience.

Overcoming Challenges

While citizen development offers numerous benefits, there are challenges to be addressed. Organizations must establish proper governance frameworks to ensure security, compliance, and data privacy. Furthermore, providing adequate training and support for citizen developers is crucial to maximize their potential and maintain quality standards.


By providing the necessary tools, training, and support, organizations can unlock the untapped potential of their employees and harness the transformative power of citizen development.

However, it is important to strike a balance between user empowerment and maintaining necessary governance measures. As organizations continue to leverage low-code and no-code platforms, citizen development will play a pivotal role in driving digital transformation and shaping the future of software development. Here’s how to start empower the citizen development to drive innovation and success in the digital era. Get the guide.




ITAsoft Indonesia

IT Business Solution and JOGET Workflow’s local partner: Training, Software Development, Consultant